Hi All,
This Blog explains on the steps to be followed when you get into error message Signer Certificate Mismatch.
When you update your B2B components to latest patch level 7.4 SP04
After patch update to AS2 component inbound message to PI - fail "Error occured while authenticating the AS2-message: Message could not be verified. Signer certificate mismatch"
To check on the error run XPI Inspector trace and check for XPI Communication Channel Info Collector which will be as below.
Considering below Prerequisites are already considered, So the issue is due to bug with latest patch of AS2-AS2 adapter can switch between two security providers, that is BC (Bouncy castle) and IAIK. By default, the security provider of AS2 adapter is IAIK.
- You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration environment.
- You have deployed the AS2 adapter in the SAP Process Integration environment.
- You have created the business component and communication channels.
- You have generated and stored your private keys in the NetWeaver Administrator keystore.
- You have received and stored the partner's public keys in the NetWeaver Administrator keystore.
Issue can be fixed related to signer Certificate mismatch following below steps
Change the default security provider from IAIK to BC, perform the following substeps:
- Navigate to the URL, http://<host>:<port>/nwa/sys-config.
- Choose the Applications tab page.
- Filter com.sap.aii.adapter.as2.app
- In the Extended Details section, select the default.security.provider parameter.
- Choose Modify, and update the value as BC.
- Save the changes.
After the changes issue related to signer mistmatch is fixed
latest patch the security provider has been moved from the open source BouncyCastle (BC) to IAIK