In our Previous blogabout B2B add-on implementation give you step by step documentation to
create inbound interfaces and all links to start to create your B2B integration
only using PO, without need of Seeburger or any other additional software. As
promise we are taking care now of Outbound scenarios, complexity is lower than
inbound scenarios... you don't need to use EdiSeprator channel.
Netweaver PO design and configuration
One interface should be created: from SAP ERP to 3erd Party (Asynchronous) with MDN.
This document has been created and developed by the Integration Community team (Roberto Cantero and Federico Abait)
B2B Add-on implementation scenarios PO. Part II Outbound EDI full step by step document can be found in here
B2B Add-on implementation scenarios PO. Part II Outbound EDI